Container based wastewater purification systems based on high tech driven production and cutting edge Research and Development.
We are running out of clean water.
As of todays situation with different types of pollution, it is adamant that advanced water treatment technologies are in place to process waste water to the point that it can be reused in a useful way.
Additionally, there is a growing concern regarding micro-pollutants, such as pharmaceuticals and personal care hygiene products, which have been detected in drinking water and not been able to be removed previously by conventional means and methods.
New governmental regulatory action, regarding the removal of these contaminants by water treatment plants, will also require advanced technology.
New and emerging technology that potentially address the removal of micro- pollutants in both drinking drinking water as well as to wastewater, is and will be plasma based water purification filter systems.
We provide these systems.
Plasma technology.
Thermal Plasma as a Source of Advanced Oxidation. All production and development using atmospheric pressure under extremely high temperatures, and by mixing noble gases under certain stages of the production, brings the possibility to tailor make special metal mesh filters with unique capabilities.
Plasma Science of Thermal, Atmospheric Pressure discharges. In general, plasma treated filters generated for water purification (in contact with liquid water) are classified as cold, non equilibrium discharges. Here we refer to plasmas produced at an atmospheric pressure where the electron temperature is much greater than the temperature of heavy particles , which is typically near room temperature. In such plasmas, electric energy is channeled primarily to the electrons. Electrons via collisions excite the air, input gas or water vapour, generating copious amounts of UV, reactive oxygen and nitrogen species.
Plasma in contact with liquid water. Putting plasmas in contact with liquid water drives the advanced oxidation in progress.
The fate of plasma electrons in liquid water. Plasma in contact with liquid water invariably leads to the interaction of electrons directly with liquid water. Upon entry into water, the electron rapidly thermalise via elastic and inelastic collisional processes and is ultimately “solvated.” By solvation, we refer to the process by which an electron is captured in a potential well formed by clusters of water molecules.
Use of nano fiber for water purification.
Inflatable and Insoluble Fiber. Our Industrial water purification / recycling system is using our developed nano-fibers, which have micro-metric diameters and are produced either by electro spinning a polymer solution under high voltage (electro spinning) or by applying a centrifugal force (centrifugal spin) to a solution of polymer.
The major advantages of the inflatable and insoluble fiber is their performance over conventional methods, particularly ion exchange resins, for capturing metals, especially metal salts derived from heavy metals, alkali metals.
These fibers contain complexing molecules which impart selectivity properties to the target ions, and, due to the swelling properties of the fibers, and by that can easily reach the very heart of the fibers to be trapped.
The specific surface area of the fiber, is up to 10 times higher than obtained from resins with same amount of initial polymer. The nano-fiber handles heavy metals such as Zn, Co, Fe, Cr and Cu which are widely used in the surface treatment industry as automotive or microelectronics field for performing electroplating, electroless processes or electroplating.
The ability of the fibers also includes ”rare earth” which refers to a group of chemical elements consisting of scandium (Se), protactinium (Pa), dysprosium (Dy), holmium (Ho), erbium (Er), thulium (Tm), ytterbium (Yb) and lutetium(Lu)
The fibers have ability to handle ”actinide” a group of chemical constituents consisting of lawrencium (Lr), actinium (Ac), thorium (Th), protactinium (Pa), uranium (U), neptunium (Np), plutonium (Pu), america (Am), curium (Cm), berkelium (Bk), californium (Cf), einsteinium (Es), Fermium (Fm), mendelevium (Md) and nobelium (No)
Business model and benefits.
Our water purification systems build on fully modular container systems, allowing the customer to easy upscale the systems as demands increase and change.
Cost control
The long term beneficial model for any customer, is to know, from day one, the total cost of ownership of all handling of their industrial grey water and waste wate. We apply a System as a Service business model for your complete waste water management.
Long term
We make sure our customers, continuously fulfil government environmental regulations and demands, as the business model allows the water purification of industrial waste water to be fully outsourced.
Industry vertical / market examples
Chile - The increase in copper production is expected to put even more pressure on the country's water resources. According to Chilean Copper Commission, red metal production is expected to increase 28.3% by 2029, totaling that year, some 7.06 million metric tons of fine copper.
The objective of any tannery waste water treatment is to reduce the organic matter, solids, nutrients and other pollutants such as BOD, COD, TSS, TDS and Cr to adhere the discharge standards limits set by relevant authority as allowable level of pollutants in order to establish an recycling system of the waste water.
The scrap recycling industry is growing at an exponential pace, especially in developing countries. The major source of raw material for this industry is recyclable scrap generated from municipal solid waste and domestic industry.
Lets get in touch.
Feel free to contact us with questions. Clearwell has representation in Sweden and Brazil and you are welcome to contact us directly or by using the contact form. Looking forward to hear from you!
Nikolas Georgii Sweden
+46 733 11 70 20, nikolas.georgii@clearwell.se
Helder Gaudencio Brazil
+55 (61) 99982-2368/+55 (61) 3366-5367 helder.gaudencio@clearwellbr.com
Clearwell Europe AB
Svärdvägen 21, SE-182 33 Danderyd (Stockholm), Sweden